Friday, October 2, 2009

We are getting in shape for life, not just for our wedding

So some people have been noticing that Gail and I are trying to keep up with our daily exercising and eating healthy. A few times people have commented that wow, you are trying to look good for your wedding, which is true, but we are trying to do so much more. A few months back, Gail was feeling a little tired and was experiencing some pain and swelling in her legs. She was wondering what it could be so she made an appointment with her doctor. The doctor basically told her to watch what she eats and get into better shape because it could lead to other medical conditions. My doctor has told me the same thing many times before, so we decided together that we would get healthy and in shape together. So when you see us working out hard, or trying to eat well, it's not just for our wedding, it's for us.

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